Tuesday, April 20, 2010


how long until i feel different?
you are so kind but also lost
you are mind dear
and i am yours
sometime soon we will fly through the clouds
so calm
so beautiful
we will overflow with life
with electricity
and with love
we will be okay
all i see are paper cranes
paper cranes singing words of love
today is the day for change
the day we will fly away
the day we will ride a paper crane into the sunset and through the stars
and we will rest
and wake up to a world of possibility
do you see what i see?
do you feel what i feel?
love, the future is so bright
so full of hope
please don't let me slip by
don't let me slip through your fingers
take me to where you are
take me to rolling green hills with full moons an star-filled skies
take me through your mind and into your soul
let me wake you up
let me wake up your soul
you have let it sleep for far too long
i can inject wonder and joy
beauty and pain into it
i can give you life
hold on dear
we will make it through this
you were torn
so scared to speak
so scared to live
i will wake you up
wake you up so you can start again