Wednesday, May 12, 2010


i am weeping
ink stained words
falling from the sky
look up, catch them on your tongue
turn yourself into the light my darling
you long for dawn to burn away my fears
yet here i am
in the pale hues of sunset
the finest shades of the night
your soft paper hands reach out
save me
tossing me into the golden tint of the morning
together we fly
weaving through the trees until night falls once again
stars are obscured by clouds
their voices muffled in the wind
and they cry
for they are not heard
darkness wraps around my feet
clawing up my legs
pulling me back
but i hear your voice
soft against my cheek
your sunflower heart
sending echoes into my ears
fingertips find one another
trembling hands send morse code messages through our skin
to quivering eyelids longing for sleep
soft lips find each other
and in that moment
i knew we were infinite